
JNVH Alumni Meeting 2012 - Stepping stone for Silver Jubilee Celebration

The Stepping stone for Silver Jubilee Celebration was laid on 2nd December, 2012, when JNVH alumni meet was organised at the school campus. Alumni meet started at 11:45 AM with a meager number of (14) alumnus. The Principal and the teachers had expected that we would come in huge numbers (around 150) and the food was also prepared keeping this number in mind. Principal and NKB sir expressed their disappointments about the number turned out. What was planned to be an official meeting (where they had planned welcome song, cultural programs etc.) turned out to be an informal meeting as the number was very less. We began this meeting by singing our Navodaya Song. And there was a round of introduction from teachers and the students.

Next we discussed about when to have the 25th year celebrations from Alumni Side. It was decided not to overlap Silver Jubilee celebrations with School’s Annual day celebrations. Then the discussions went around regarding choosing the dates for celebrations. Jan 5th and 6th were proposed as the dates from our side. Alumni students expressed that in a span of one month they can prepare and give a successful program. But Principal made us understand the seriousness and gave a detailed explanation of the tasks involved in Silver Jubilee celebrations and suggested us that the date proposed is too early and he was afraid that it wouldn’t even be possible to communicate to all the alumni and collect the funds in a span of one month. His suggestions made us realize that our proposal lacked proper understanding of the tasks involved and the importance of a Silver Jubilee celebration. So we proposed March 23rd and 24th as the dates and it was tentatively accepted by the teachers.

These dates were chosen keeping in mind the CBSE and annual exams would get completed by that time and students would be free. These dates would be finalized when the CBSE board exam time table gets announced. However teachers assured that board exams would generally get completed before March 22nd every year. We had also proposed March 30th and 31st as the dates but teachers said that since financial year ends during that time, many old teachers would not be able to come as they are required to be present at their schools and finish signoff formalities. So it was unanimously decided that 23rd and 24th of March as the dates for celebrations. And this has been almost finalized.

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